Page 114 - YB1962
P. 114
BASKETBALL TEAM. First row, left to right: T. O'Mnlley, H. wagner, J. Baile, D. Murfin {cnpta!n }, H. Klitz- berg, S. ~[ako\er .. "'ecDrld row: ]. Lnv, S. Leishure, R. Terry, D. Heger, D. Markey. Third row: D. Littlefield (manager), Coach R. Clower. Hoopsters Vie for Title Sparked by the frequent pyrotechnic scoring of Tom O'Malley, Dave Murfin, and Hichie Klitzberg, the Western Maryland five rolled to a successful overall log of 13-8 in the winter hoop campaign. Under Coach Hichard Clower's guidance, the Terrors raced into second place in the Southern Division of the Middle Atlantic Con- ference and gained a berth in the league's finals. The "Big 0" scared the net for 65 points in the two game tourney, but the Cagers fell victim to Albright and Pennsylvania Milttru-y College. Western Maryland finished fourth in the ~IAC as a result and had Hill fans looking optimistically to next year. Jump-shooting Dave MartiĀ», who hit at a 13.1 g.\me pace, wil! be the only starter not to return. The feather-fingered shots of Martin will be missed, but the late season scoring surge of 0'.\ Ialley hints that the void will not be too troublesome to Clower. The "O'tromped for a 19.6 average followed by Klitzberg's 15.6 contribution per game. O'Malley also headed the Terrors in rebounding as he plucked 120 Richard A. Clower, A. B., M. S. (Assistant Professor of Ph~'sical Education), 1),1\ id Martin (captain). off the backboards. 110
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