Page 16 - YB1961
P. 16
THE VOICES Greetings to the Cl[J,H of 1961: I am writing this on a perfectly gorg'eous fall afternoon in mid-November. You will not be reading it until the winter has passed and the trees, now resplendent in multi-colored foliage, will have awakened to the warm touch of springtime. This succession of the seasons is quite similar, in a sense, to the succession of college classes. You entered as freshmen in 1957 with many of the characteristics of: spring- time-c-eager, alive, fresh, and yes, even grecn. You now graduate in 1961-maturc. resplendent in cap and gown. having run the course of a college education. As the tree continues to live and grow, so may you in your intellectual develop- ment, in service to your various communities, in your family and vocational relation- ships, continue to exemplify the qualities of an honored graduate of Western Mary- land College. My best wishes go with all of you. LOWELL S. ENSOR, President 12
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