Page 109 - YB1961
P. 109
The Purple and Gold npain .had a fine year under the excellent tutelage 01 their spon~or, l\'lr. Richard Clower. No sooner had Delta Pi Alpha welcomed their new pledges than they found themselves busy with preparations 1"01'the annual Hcu.econung dance. This ye,II' western Marylanders were treated "Topsy Turvy," lealllring the music 01" Cole, which marks the first Lime a Lig hand has appeared on \VMC's campus. Miss Barbara Horse was chosen the PreaChel Sweetheart and was serenaded by the brothers 01: the fraternity. As usunl, the Preachers displayed their in- terest in athletic competition. They captured Loth the Varsity Participation 'Trophy and the Interfraternity Athletic Cup, winning the latter rwemy-rwo out of rweruy-rhree years. DELTA 1'[ ALPH,\. First row, /eJI In righl: D. Shallkle. J. Holler. ,\1. Bird. A. SICW~I'l, .I. Bmw", J. Whaley, J. Matousek. B. Rinehart, ~h. R, Clower. Secolld row: D. Lencski, D, S"lIivan. W. ,\]"h"u, K. Gill. C. Giese, F. Di+kes, J. ,\]ycrs, D. ncmucn. D. Shure. I'. LeFew. C. Bern~Lei". C. Reisenweber. L. Wickwirc. Third l'OW: H. gacas. D. Price, J. AvnCI, D. Anders. J. ,\llwine, H. F,dlin, 1'. ~riller, J. l>]cKcllna. J. \Vaddcl, £. Corbin, n, warner. F. Goldm,lIl, D. Yinger. 1'0111'111 ,."w: J. Ihown, B. Smith. R. Jones, K. I'hilljp~, B. Penn. R. }lr,molr. B. Chambers, D. vousr. J. Lcporau. E. 1I11(:kIlCI', K. Bowles. R. Sal'arese, S. Case, B. Moore. Fiftl! row; R . Budd, T. o'xtaucy, D. '\!~I'ke)', D. Bowen. R. Franks. ,\1, WrighL, 1>1. H,,,.,.ison, L. Klein, T. Warner, W. r-rcu. L. Biser, ---- B. Mothcrd,cad, u. Crace. Advisor. MI'. R. Clowc,
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