Page 8 - YB1960
P. 8
We, the Closs of 1960, huve chosen to dedicate 0111' ue(lrbook /0 Dean William .~1. Dcoid-:a man WllOlIJ. we feel is l.ru1U interested ill 0111' wetf(lre. From, our first, d(lUs 116re at W. M. C. as greell freshmen /(lki,llg elltmllce exams, to 01.11'final dcuje as lw/"(/ened seniors in nursuit of (f iob after graduation, we huce seen t.his interest. ecidenced: again (llld again Deall David's roles of (It/ministrat.OI· and professor (luto'lJ!oticaliu classifu him (IS a mOil with IIImlU icbs, Bill. whether attending Dean Duvklin hts office tulking with an S. C. A. Illcmbcrs of the senior class. a Student Lsie Committee 'meeting, meeting or personally counseling (I student Wi!.ll a problem, lie alwous has time to llelp. As a professor of sociology and history, the Deall lias added to Ollr enlightenment. Not only tire his lectures erudite but. !.lleY (Ire given extra color by the addition of wit, (/ DEDICATION personal experience, or another point. of v'iew. 011 this same level Dean Dacsd. is iust as ready to give academic counseling to fI student. inlleed of if, ns he is to give personal counseling. So /.0 (Ill admlnlstrator, an educator, a mtnl deeplu incotced in the tnsk: of {wIping the slmlenls of Western Maryland College, we dedicate aliI' ALOHA.
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