Page 12 - YB1960
P. 12
THE COLLEGE Doctor and Mrs. Lowell S. Ensor and Buff. Creetmgs to the Class of 1960: During four years at western Mary- You have had great pride in each of these land, you seen more changes in the new developments, and the College has physical appearance and hlcilities of the Col- appreciated your patience when you were lege than any class that has ever preceded you. inconvenienced by some of the factors neces- Your Freshman yem coincided with the sarily involved in making radical changes. opening of Daniel Mecl.ea Hall as a men's As you now leave "The Hill" and take your dormitory. As Sophomores you participated in places in the ranks of the Alumni, T trust you the dedication of Baker Memorial Chapel. will remember your Alma Mater not only with Your Junior year was marked by the acquisi- nostalgic sentiment, but with active, tangible tion of the Seminary property and the opening support that will help the College continue of Winslow Student Center. You returned last the development which your four years of fall as Seniors to see the complete demolition residence have witnessed. of "Old Main," and the resulting remarkable May God's blessing go with you! transformation at the center of the campus. Lowei.t. S. Exsou
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