Page 3 - YB1959
P. 3
Outgoing Trumpeters pass on traditions, caps and gowns to their successors. W.M.C.'s tribute to spring and reigned over a day of singing, sports events, and an evening "Holland Holiday." Lantern Chain ceremony presented by the freshmen women was truly impressive. So were the Rose Cup Ceremony, Trumpeter Tapping, fraternity and sorority banquets, and the Graduate Hecord Exams! Commencement week began with the senior picnic at Frock's farm. Traditional festivities continued with the Commencement Play, Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale; and on Saturday, May 30th came the winslow Student Center dedication. A communion service, given for the senior class on Sunday morning, was followed by the Baccalaureate Service. Monday dawned grey and misty, but cooler weather just made those long, black gradua- tion gowns quite comfortable. (There was only the worry that the mortar boards might warp.) Some tears increased the humidity, but everyone was very happy to be a "bachelor.' Weddings and jobs, trips and graduate schools brightened the horizon; yet no matter what new ties are made, the friendships made at "V.M.C. will never be broken. President Ensor decorates R.O.T.C. Lt. Col. James Lewis with the Baltimore SUII)lflper'smedul.
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