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minute touches on displays and floats, paraders assembled in front of the Armory. Marching up Main Street, they depicted a victorious Homecoming Day. The football game attracted a crowd of spectators and a strong Lycoming team. The fired-up Western Maryland squad galloped ahead in the first half only to be brought down to a 27-26 defeat. Loss of the well-played game failed to dampen spirits. Half-time activities featured a circus theme, with the porn porn team and the band setting the atmosphere. The climax was the presenta- tion of chrysanthemums to Mrs. Kale Mathias by Homecoming Queen, Miss Patricia Schaefer. After the game, Alumni were welcomed at a reception in the lounge, and fraternities and sororities held open-house for their respective grads. Many seemed to prefer a change in menu, and dinner found the dining hall practically deserted. The Homecoming Dance, "The Football," payed homage to America's great college pas- time. Couples danced to the music of the Dellonaires, under a huge football suspended from the ceiling. The Queen was crowned and then, too soon, festivities were over. For some, the week-end left a little heartache-or perhaps a little headache-but for most there were happy memories. Who would have thought that fifty rolls of toilet paper ... Could ever have turned into a pigskin!
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