Page 146 - YB1959_Classical
P. 146
"The Greatest Soccer Coach in the history of W.M.C.!" "I'll take my ball and go home," says freshman goalie, Jack Baile. The 1958 soccer squad did not win the con- men. Junior Lloyd Musselman proved out- ference championship, but it did win the standing in the goal area. On offense, center hearts of Western Maryland fans. The team, forward, George Varga, fired eleven goals into though small in size, managed to achieve a the net in the last four games. He was re- 6-6 record against "elevens" that included warded by berths on the All-Southern, Mason- some of the top powers in the East. Four of Dixon and Middle Atlantic Conference teams. the six victories posted came at the end of the Bruce Lee also represented the school on the season from a team that "never said die." Four All-Southern and Mason-Dixon squads. of the season's losses were by 2-1 margins. Team play marked this year's efforts by the Sparking the Terrors on defense, co-captain, soccermen. This quality was not better evi- Bruce Lee, and fellow senior, John Waghel- denced than in the decisive victory over arch- stein, played their last season for the Uhrig- rival Johns Hopkins. Surprising the "Blue Jays" by a score of 5-2, four Terrormen shared the scoring honors. The play on the field was excit- We hope so too, Bob! ing, but the sideline performance of "Count- down" Harris, team manager, was indeed an addition to the games. Mentor Philip Uhrig, for nine years a player or a coach with the Western Maryland boaters, praised the squad for its battling spirit. At the Athletic Awards assembly in December, Coach Uhrig was honored by his team and the rest of the student body, receiving an engraved cup from the players and a sincere and rousing ovation from all. 142
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