Page 26 - YB1958a
P. 26
BEVERLY CAHOL BAKER VVilmington, Delaware Sociology Sigma Sigma Tall; F.T.A. 4; CTwi.r 3, 4; lnt.ranwmls 3, 4; tunior Follies. "Bev'". "Boathook" ... Penn Hall's gift to Western Maryland . Was once seen studying.. Music is her business ... Neat feet flapper ... Has chronic Earpitis . Loves those 8 o'clo.c~ classes. "That guy really shakes my cage" ... Provides hi-fi music for second floor wing-and the rest of Westminster Advocate of summer school . This is a P.K.? DAVID DICKINSON BAKER \Vilmington, Delaware Physics Alpha GWI/OW Tall; Orctieetm 1, 2, 3, 4; Balld 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2; I.R.C.4. "Dave". . Young man with a drum.. Best dressed man on campi Often seen in his yellow M.G. Frequented marry frat parties ... Mainstay of the Melody Men . Always da~ed up on weekends ... Oh those physics seminar problems ... Fine old bachelor of Alpha Gamma Tau .. Famous for cool dance rhythms at frat parties. NANCY JUNE BANKS Allen, Maryland French Sigma Sigma Ta{/.; M.S.M. 1; GOLD Boo 1, 2; French Club 1, 2, 3 (Vice-President 3, Secreta1·U 4); JlInior Follies. "Nancy B.". . Perpetual master of ceremonies Western Maryland's Vaughn Monroe Halls hom the Eastern Sho' Who is Sir Gregory? . Favorite pastime is sleeping. . Always ready to quit smoking-but .. The invisible one of the "Btg 1:"3" Technioolor dreams ... Other half of McDaniel's fire crew. 20
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