Page 24 - YB1958a
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senior class Apprentice to artisan: this is the progress we Along with thc coming of the Junior year have made in the Four years that we have spent there develops a kind of sympathy for Seniors. on the Hill. This is the transformation that has They have ceased to be nebulous, omnipotent been worked upon every Senior This is what creatures with all the answers. They are recog- makes ;1 Senior different nized as being human, and their friendship is Seniors me sometimes awesome beings. The valued. awkward Freshman observes their confidence At last, Seniors! The realization comes upon and poise, and dreams of the day when he will us suddenly. For four years we have been have such assurance and self-reliance. He con- learning facts, forming ideas and opinions, jures up visions of their inexhaustible supply developing our personality, and strengthening of knowledge, and marvels at their prowess. our character. The inevitable changes have Brushing with tradition at every turn, he is occured within each of us. We are different. impressed by the fact that he has become a But llOW our period of apprenticeship is part of this exclusive community of students. over. There is before LIS a challenge to use the Sophomores are somewhat less awe-struck. knowledge we have gained. Even while we By the time one has reached his second year cast a nostalgic glance at our carefree college on the Hill, he is likely to look with suspicion days, our arms are reaching to embrace the upon all established precedents. He is primar- promise of tomorrow. We step forward fear- ily interested in making his own mark on the lessly, secure in the knowledge that we can campus. This individualism, too, is a part of meet the challenge. becoming a Senior. 18
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