Page 214 - YB1958a
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Neil. Thcorlo ..e Geo",;:<'-56~ Lake Ave .. LllnCn"ter. N. Y. NiB~I{i,',',~·reErl.e~d."'iuman-3846 The Alameda. ~:~:t~~;:r~~k ~il~::~-; :.~;!::t;~~~:x S:;;5~~::!~~~ir~\" Ni\t-~~i~"~~~.el.\'d:","Yne--23V WAshington na.. Hosen.tein, Alfred Barry-40Qb Penhurst Ave .. Nun, Il.ichard Myedy-Route 7. We;tmin"ter. M(1. lIU~~I~~~~"lr~;'" ~~rn ... t-Route 1. Mt. Airy. Md. OLtO. Hoher, Lo"i,._~ W. Elm Ave., [lnltimD'e 6, Md PndgeU, [l1l"comhe CerAld_Lothian, Md. ~:~~~:.~i'~7h~~i~i~~=~~~:~~i~;~~..'.:~~:;~~e34. Md Palmer. Richard [lruce----119Sywmore Rd .. Linthicum Heights. Md. PnR:lti~:~~8~'f.~,~Il'"HO-Hi63 Shn,]y"ide R,I.. P",oe.'ello. Ho~el·t Joseph_181 N. 9th Ave., Manville. N. J. ~~;~l~:~~I:~1,':::~2~~uE~:~~~~~~:f~::~~t~:: Perera. J"im_IOO_37 67Lh Dr .. I·'oreo, Hills. N. Y. Philli" •• CrHig_2n~ Shlleifer Ave .. WWl.min.ter. M,I. Phillips. 1"",,,1,] De"n_Routel. Hampstead. M,I ~~~~~::~~~~~:F~11!~;e:l~i~:;~~1';:"~:~';~~~Ch Lnne. Phi IIi],•. Samuel Scott-Houte 2. W",tmi".ter. Md UJlDerco.M,] Pippin. Dn,·idW"I\u __ Millim,ton.M,1. Schwartz, Onvid Solomon-4027 Woodhaven Ave .• Pittm"n. KenneLh Ar,hm--t;220 Mo•• wny, UnUimo,'e 12. Md. ilaltimure 16. Md. PI,,"kN. RichHrd Lawrence-38 Pnn~'{(""t I:Ilvd.. Schwartz. Warren Jrving~3320UurleithA,·e., River.hle. N.. I Poore, John Ronald-Huntingtown. Md Sc~:~::;'~:~ ~;II~~ Frederick-122~ E. TTelv~lcrc A,'c .. Price. Louis l:IurtOll-IO~2 E,-""ham Ave .. U"I'imore 12. Md. Pugh. Chades William_a62 Bldno St., Il,litimore 24, Md. ~~~~~;:~:i:~~~~tr~~~:~~~1131ri'~kki~v~::, Md. Hnm.niet, Pn,,1 Cust"ve--2r,9 Gateway Rd., lli~gew<>oJ. N. J SilverS]Jrinl!',M,l. H€ed. 1'h<>mas Butler_R<>ule 3. ]j<>xl!i~. Denton. Md. Shepherd. Edwnrd Newton-109 Shaeffer Ave.. H",,'I. Weldon No,woou"eRd.. Arlington. Va. Reynol,b. Gcr"IJ O"l<'-Roule I. Sykesville. Md !§{~~1;l~~~~~Itf~Eff:~:~2:~~;""~" nice. OOllaiJ L_HoULe 2. Hnl>:er8town. Md llioknbHugh.CllreyCrenfell_700 W.Clayton St .. New Ca~tle. Pn Itiggin. Thomas EdwH<1_IG02 Jackaon St .. [lnltimore W. M(1. Ilinehart. William Alfred, Jr.-Lothi"n. Md. ll.ipl>oon. Vernon Rob.,rt-Roule J, ~'reJe";ck, Md. i~:~:~~~fg~§;t~:§~~~i:::.~,:~:E.'M" RiM~ili~:"H~I]~~.aJSwe'l"'boro "ad 1"'anklinv;JJc n,1.. So. Hock Soei (Henry)_S.V.P.M, Sei_Gerong. P"lemang.lndon"";,, BUILDING MATERIALS SIDING - ROOFING - PLYWOOD 1JUtcil SO!! Paints Phone Tilden 8-5770 43 West Main Street Westminster, Md. Tilden 8-6556 Fitters and Designe1's of M odern: Spectacles Consult us about all of your Optical problems.
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