Page 213 - YB1958a
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MeQu"y. Robert Noel-~IO Ev""hnm Ave .. ilnltimore 12. Md. M~~~t';,'.'l~~t~;.u~llex"nde"'_n. r. D. 5. Uox 4 Mahan. Walter L.-S1Z Alabama Ave .. S.E .. W,,"hinllton 20. D. C. Manning. Jam"" DH"i"~73S Be""emer Ave .. n"IUmore 22. M,1. Man"". Walter Anthony. Jr._900 Overbrook Rei.• Wilmington 6. Dd. Mar«oli •. JnyStCllhcn-7117IloxfoTolll.,l.. B"ltimore 15. M,1. MaTt;n. L"ther How""~. Jr._2520 N. 2$,,1 n~., Arlington 7. Vn. Masenheimer. FTC,I LcRoy-34 "~ichelbcrgcr St .. l-Innovet. Pn Mato""ek. Jnmes Frllnk_4707 Penninll'ton Ave_. U,dt.imore26. M,1. Matthew •. D"vi~ Wnmer_Houte 7. Box ~7. W""tminstcr. Md. May. Jam"" EvereU-Ronte l. l'i"ksburll. Md. Mnyet. Fr ..nk Ly"n_2(i6 E. Main St .. W""tmin.ter. Mol Meyer. Rnll'h Leroy_Sny,ler Ave_. Fullerto". Md Michel. S.. muel Baxter-Hl9 N. r'-r"nklin St_. Hnnover. rIO. Michael., Gene L..mar-12 Whyte St., Union Bridge. M~. Mil"". Da,,;cl EIl"wor~h-Spa,·k". Md. Miller. ~,tlwi" Ilru." 11-41;01 Ilr"nch Ave .. Washington 23. D. G. Miller. Ger~,,1 Shel(lon_~05 ShaelTer Ave .. W""tmin.ler. M,L Miller. Lewi» Thom". 111_5804 Sar ....cnt R,I.. Hyatwville. Md ~liolen, E,,,,,,ene Ghnrl",,_2Ia ShnefTer Ave .. West,min.ter. M,I MiL\~~~i~o~~nn~"M~ther. Jr._laSI Kitmo"~ na .. MohlhenTieh. Kenneth Herbert_Ro"l" 3. Syk""ville. Md. Moore. W;lli"m Eli_417 Ii'ree St .. IIidley Park. Pa. Mort. HobErt M"ynn",1-216 E. Main St .. Westmin"ter. Md Mo"". llob<:rt M",."ball_~513 Dennlyn Rd.. fj"ltimOTC Ir,. M,I. Mowb,-ay. Calvin Wray. Jr.-l09 Talbot Ave .. CnmLd,iJ>;e, M,1. M"llinix. Goor ...." Tl>om"._Wooine. M,I M'tJ~~~li,;;;g;~~~~y~,fd\h-4413 Old Frerleriek 1\<1.. Myer •. Chnrl"" Robert-SoQo Waler Oak Rd.. ·row.on 4. Md MyerH. Jonathrm Phili]l-~~06 EKe.-!on 11<1..i3,oitimore 15. Md My" ..... Robert EUl;'ene. Jr._;14 Villaye 1l.,1.. Senyirt. N. J Neil;'hotr. Wilson Edw,,",1-80a W. 351h St.. H"ltimo,·c II. Md. Compliments of Compliments of Sunnybrook Farm 100 Per Cent t SSO Products DINNERS AND RECREATION Ebert's lee Cream Tilden 8-7667 WESTMINSTER, MD. Congratulations Class oj '58 We invite you to make use of the facilities offered by this store, whether it be to shop with us, to meet your friends at Murphy's, or to seek employment with our Company, in the event that you decide upon a retail career. G. C. MURPHY COMPANY Westminster's Leading Store The Homecoming Qucen picked her drivcr
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