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Dr. Hcmbrundt Dewees Summers DEDICATION Lewis Hull is dark except for a light in the physics lab. Passing by, you smile a little at the picture you have of a loveable gentleman-patiently going over that bewildering formula with a perplexed student. Your smile gives you a wnrtn feeling as you recall how you liked him initially because of his quiet and gentle manner, because he is so thoroughly honest and sincere, and because of that Santa Claus-like twinkle in his eyes. You Seniors will remember-long after graduation-Dr. Rembrandt Dewees Summers, for he typifies all that of which we are proud at \Vestern Maryland. The ideas of dignity and generosity that are becoming increasingly rare in our modern world, are that integral part of Dr. Summers which has given you confidence in him as an educator and a friend. He bas been kind, yet firm-he has understood you well enough, but not too much. His little jokes made you laugh, but at the same time they had the art of increasing the efficiency of your memory. You Underclassmen will find yourselves looking at the woodwind section of the college symphony to see if Dr. Summers is there .1S usual, playing his bass clarinet. Later, you wi!! find a familiar sight and a comfortable feeling in seeing him with his scarf around his neck and cane in hand, leaving Lewis Hall. YOIl of the Faculty have shown that he has won your respect by the richness of his knowledge. By his wisdom he has given you confidence in his leadership. And so we thank you, Dr. Summers, for sharing with us your warmth and sincerity, your knowledge and your patience. It is with great pride we dedicate to you the 1957 ALOHA.
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