Page 10 - YB1957a
P. 10
Prcstdr-nt und "Irs. Ensor To THE CLASS OF 1957: Congratututions and: Best Wishes! This greeting will become so familiar to the members of the Class of 1957, as you tuck your sheepskins under your arms and pack up four years of dormitory accumulation, that possibly it wi!! not carry the warmth of spontaneity which I an~l your many well-wishers intend. lt expresses most aptly, however, my sincere feelings. Congratutauons upon your Graduation. This marks the end of your college career which you have successfully completed. You have earned a degree from western Maryland College which is it significant accomplishment that deserves warm praise. Best \\fishes upon your Commencement. This marks the heginning of further activity for which your College has prepared you. Whether you go 011 to graduate of professional school, a career, or homemaking, your Alma Mater's devotion will follow you with the sincere hope that your success may reflect credit upon her training and bring rich satisfactions to your life. Cordially yours, LOW£LL S. ENSOR President
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