Page 34 - YB1957a
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C;\.JlI..OS 0;\,\'15 GOSt-.'EI..I.. RICflAHlJ COI..EMAN" ClIAHA]I,1 ELIZAllETl1 CnO~[I'TON" CIIA1'>CEH Braddock Heights, Maryland \Vestminster, Maryland Ridley Park, Pennsylvania Pre-Med Ellglish l lome Economics Gamm(l Beta Chi 2, 3, 4 (Treasurer Choir 1, 3; F.A.C. I, 2; College Sigma Sigma Tou 2, 3, 4; Argonallts 4); Beta Beta Beta 2, 3, 4; ALOHA Players 2, 3, 4; I.R.C. 4. 3,4 (Secy. 4); Class Historian 1,2, 4; French Cluh I, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 3,4; S.C.A. 1,2; Hockel) J; Home 1,2,3,4; Bend 1, 2; Jr. Follies. Dick Cave up bachelorhood for Economics Club 1, 2, 3, 4; French Betts. Crew a mustache in hopes Club 1, 2. A.P. Hill was a snap for him. of looking dignified . Seems to he Those weekly trips to Hood. Fu- able to find a question to ask on any Berh . "Oh, abounding'" ture cadaver cutter ... Hard worker subject .. Often seen with a pipe Sarcastic personified Juggler of Gamma Bet books in his mouth. looking quite serious Transient boarder-McDaniel Hall, ... Has very vague memory of Phi One of our few male thespinlls Verville, ,\1aJwgernent House Alph picnic Surprised at 3 n.m on campus Found out how he Cung-ho librarian Noted for her "Who changed H.O.T.C. drill?" looked in a toga. many illustrious neighbors Swings ;1 mean paddle "At Caught a Marine cqllipped with a ease, gentlemen" Expert on supply of Wedgewood china! pine paneling uud photography. Amy Vanderbilt's devoted disciple Seen in theCrille twice. Has a standing invitation to the annual smarty P'lI"ty . Home Eo. m'ljO[ with ,1 yen for butter.
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