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MOLLY JANE CILDS [onx CEOIlG!:": COETTE!:":, JlI [)ELOHES JE:A:'\" COOUl:: Taneytown, Maryland Reisterstown, Muryland 1-,laddox, Mnrvland /-lis/ory; Educatto« Pre-Dental English; Education Sigm(l Sigma Tau 3, 4; F.T.A. 4; Camilla Bela Chi 2, 3, 4; Beta /3ela Sigma Sigma Tau 2, 3, 4 (Sergelllll- French Club I, 2; Choir I, 2, 4; Beta 2, 3, 4; Jr. Follies. ot-Arms 3); Dorm Coullcil 3, 4 1.R.C. I; Cir/5" Clee Clll/; 1; (Pres. 4); F.T.A. 3, 4; College Follies. Jack Dnilv express from Beis- Players 3, 4; F.A.C. 2, 3; Pom Pom terstowu Instigator of the Girls 3, 4; Girls' Glee Club 1, 2, 3, J,lllic .. Survived Blanche Ward chicken episode "Cot to hit 4; Jr. Follies. for one year .. Is nowaday-hop those books!". . Aclvocntes f P) from the hinterlands. "Let's go summer cruises with the Navy [eanie Loyal Southern Mary- to Benny's" \\lns the shy one in "TIlis car's really in good shape-. iander . Ah~Hvs on the run ,Hid rhe Jr. Follies Wears knee-highs today!" . Plans for future include always late :'1 just don't know from November to May "It's a U. of Md. Dental School how I'm going to get all this work " Charter member of done". Sees a full mail box everv Modem Art Association .. "Shut day.. 60 pin curls a night. . rhnr door" "Of course [ like "Scsh!" . All hour-glass figure education" . "Patience." with the hour almost gone. 2D
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