Page 73 - YB1956b
P. 73
:J reshmen sometimes sigh with dejection: that one junior class seems to hand down to "Four, long years ... 1";sophomores manage the one forthcoming? Incredible though it may to mumble: "One-half gone already"; juniors be, this year's juniors have succumbed to the -well, if once caught in the whirlwind of the temptation to adapt, not only quotations, but fleeting third year-might pause only for a portions of the philosophical hnud-me-downs second to stammer, "Where, where has time of junior classes in the past. These range any- flown?" where from the ridiculous to the sublime; from Fearful that a blink of the eye might prevent the snickering over the "silly sophomores"and a glimpse of our own graduation, we juniors their rat rules to the satisfaction that comes have- kept a strenuous pace of concentrated with the first finn grasp of a major field.These work and study-and some play. As with but are all things which we most happily pass on one mind we plotted a road map for the year. to the up-and-coming junior class. After a seemingly infinitesimal stretch of time The bridges of friendship we have built, elapsed, all roads eventually culminated in the and the monntams of study we have tunnelled Junior Follies. Each member of the junior class on the road paved to the Junior Follies and, now has that trite, old saying indelibly etched ultimately, to the senior class, are not to be on his mind: "Ours were the best ones ever." forgotten. Now, look at the new senior class And he says it with the confidence that the and hear the unanimous cry: "I would rather many classes before him have said it. be first man here than second man in Rome." What is this strange essence of similarity We are one.
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