Page 69 - YB1956b
P. 69
Left to right: Charlotte Ridgely, Janet Reck, Dr. Isabel Isnnogle, Priscilla ~'lcCoy, Mary Warren. "For if the trumpet gives an uncertain eound. who shall prepare himself for battle?" TRUMPETERS The WMC Trumpeters is the highest honor- of 1956were invested ill the Trumpeter robes ary society for senior women - members last May: Priscilla ~IcCoy, Janet Reck, Char- selected on a point-system basis according to lotte Ridgely, and Mary Warren. Working with leadership in extra-curricularactivities,scholar- their sponsor, Dr. Isabel T. Isanogle, the group ship, character, and citizenship. It is in the planned and decorated for the annual Christ- encouraging and furthering of these principles mas Banquet. for which the organization was founded. Their motto, printed above, stands strong as Each May, the girls of the junior class a recognized reward at Western Maryland. assemble on the President's lawn, and from But, more than that, it is a challenge which their number the graduating Trumpeters tap each has proved herself capable of meeting- those to be honored. Fol11'members of the class a challenge for leadership beyond graduation. 65
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