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! .( I L ~~ ~ ~I~ ~~~_' ROllf:IIT ARL TON JACKSON M"'I\GAIIET DAllCY JANNEY PHILLIS JEANI\-E JOHNSON Munhall, Pennsylvania Brookeville, Maryland Hyattsville, Maryland Mathemati(,·s, Economics Engli~h Biology Alpha Gamma Tau 2, 3, 4, Sec'y 3, Delta Sigma Kappa 2, 3, 4; Hockey Iota Gamma Chi 3, 4, Trees. 4; Vice-Pres. 4; Varsity Basketball 1; 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1; Choir 1, 2, Beta Beta Beta 3. 4; Wesley:mettes Interfraternity 4. 3, 4; Glee Cillb 1, 2; College 3,4. Players 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3; Bob .. _ Member of N. C. O. Club Jr. Follies; S.C.A. 1; Fire Wardell Phyl Transfer in junior year The original Munhall boy _ McDllniel4. Pities incapacitated insects. Scratch's idol. _ . Loyal Bachelor Next thing to molasses in January athlete . . . Still waiting for the "Pegg" ... Charter memher of . . . Library of Congress' addition, World Series to come to Pittsburgh !vlcDaniel Bohemians __ . "I read to W.M.C. ... Proud owner of . _ . Sleeps more than he studies the American Tragedy and . Fi-Fi ... Chews her food at least ... Owner of U. S. Steel Corp. Likes hard-boiled eggs and sour twenty-six times . Crackers for U. S. Army two years-work one balls _ Neatest girl in McDaniel dessert. year-retire. .. _ Cross between Burl Ives and Tallulah Bankhead ... "How's your cows?" ... Only girl with a male part in Jr. Follies .. _Elmer's favor- ite uke player. . "Let's play store!" 40
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