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LOIINA JANE HAMBLIN M....nv SUSANNMI HARCETT ROBERT EUC~:NE HEDCCOCK St. Georges, Delaware Hyattsville, Maryland Takoma Park, Maryland English, Education English Economics Phi Al/J/w Mu 2, 3, 4; College Choir Iota Gamma Chi 2, 3, 4, Trees. 3, Alpha Gamma Tau 2, 3, 4, Sgt.-al- 1,2,3; French Cluh 1; F.T.A. 3, 4; Social Chairman 4; Alpha Kappa Arms 4; Var.~ity Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee cu» I; Jr. Follies. Alpha 4; GOLD Buc 3; ALOHA Track 2, 3, 4; French Cluh 3, 4; Associate Editor 4; Jr. Follies. Jr. Follies. Lorna ... Charter member of Me- Daniel Bohemians "Peanut Mollie ... The redhead with the "Huge" . Dancer of note in Jr. butter is good, but" ... Once was good Irish lemper Simply Follies ... Took up Art in his old a troll. Hunts Jaguars in the adores soccer and basketball . age Outstanding French stu- Poconos ... Girl on hot keyboard Supports the lncal theaters . dent Confirmed Bachelor- . . . Honorary Neat Guy. . Proud "A. B. C. Boogie" Best recruiter until led astray ... six yeurs at possessor of a Makosky "A" . the Navy has Cokahollc tackle wasted. "My legs arc "Too many things. too numerous to Sings continuously, but never knows really in great shape this year" enumerate" ... Skips around on the tune to any song ... Has ridicu- Cast-iron stomach-thank goodness! week ends. lous discussions with roommate at . . Loves his car more than allY midnight ... "If I don't get a girl ... Has only car equipped with letter today." Super-sonic sound. 36
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