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R ....I.,I'H JOSEPH CLOSE LOIS ANN COFFM ....N CHAIlLES RYLE CONOVER Westminster, Maryland Baltimore, Maryland Westminster, Maryland Political Science English, Education Economics Pi Alpha Alpha 2, 3, 4, Corr. Sec'y Phi Alpha Mu 2, 3, 4; Jr. Follies; Chuck . Escaped from Johns 3; Glee Club 2, 3; Jr. Follies; Glee Club I; F.r.A. 3, 4. Hopkins to complete his education French Club 1; Carroll Club 4; in rural Westminster ... One of Intramural Sporls: Softball 2, 3, 4, Lois ... Charter member of Me- the few vets in Vetville ... A Basketball 2, 3, 4, Football 2, 3, 4. Daniel Bohemians .. Colt trainer "retired" Army lieutenant in the . . . Die-hard buckeye ... Thinks reserve .. Addicted to sports . Ralph . Learned how to carry hot summer school is the life. . Best Plays cards by the rules .. An water at Meade ... We hear a cer- buddy of Elmer .. Yawning squaw unscarred survivor of that three- tain connection works in Hutzler's of Jr. Follies ... Once listened to hours-in-one-afternoon course in billing department ... Wonder if "Victory at Sea" ... Three-year the Economics department . . . she'll bill for something white when Spanish student Has been Plans to produce a fonnula where- leaves return? . Active Black and known to be "high" on the hill. by college education and experi- White ... Ardent participant in ence will combine to form a suc- intramural sports ... Thinks "Poly. cessful business profession. Sci. sometimes Hurts" ... "What does the Rec. hall look like?" ~ - , , ,~,' FI~j""'\~ "'?'jl 6 ,7
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