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!>.fARY JANE BOND SUE CAnOL BunKINS KATHIIYN COCHllANE CHA;"lBEIILIN Baltimore, Maryland Baltimore, Maryland Kingston, Murylund A" Psychology Piallo, Public ~chool Mwlic Delta Sigma Kappa 2, 3, 4, Sgt."lIt- Iota Gamma Chi 2, 3, 4, Recording College Players 3; Glee Club 1, 2, Arms 2, AluJJlni Sec'y 3, Sec'y 3; Sec'y 3, Vice Pres. 4; SCA 1, 3, 4; 3, 4; Cunter/JIITY Club 1, 2, 3, 4. Glee Club 1, 2; French Club 1, 2; French Club 1, 2; We~1eyanettes Sec'y-Treas. 3; French Club 1, 2; F.T.A. 3, 4; Jr. Follies; Class Sec'y 1; Sunday School C1IOir I; Jr. F.T.A.; Jr. Fol/ies. 4. Follies. Kathy ... A genuine music student Mary ... Has been known on occa- Susie ... The intellectual one-third ... "Got go practice! ... Girl- sion to sweep walk in front of B. W. of Onion Hall ... "This hill's get- friend of ever-faithful Harry ... ston to sleep walk in front of B.W. ting steeper and steeper". . Pret- WMC's continental kid, with a sum- . Collects mobiles and unusual tiest eyes on campus when they're mer in Europe ... Mixed paint for bottles. . Partial to "Bachelors" open . . . Left Adkins bewitched, mad genius Ellis in Fullies . .. Basketball player of "renown" bothered, and bewildered .. "Just Purple corduroy coat. . "You ... Typed those French tests . like that" .. Diets when she's not wouldn't eat that if YOll knew what Doesn't believe in practice teachiog hungry . . . Adopted aunt of the was in it!" ... Inside girl for Psych tests ... five little Jacksons ... Ambition: Dabbler in clay, paints, and smiles. to have short long hair.
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