Page 178 - YB1956b
P. 178
Luutell. Chnrles ]to"er-Union lJridge. Md Miller. Ger..rd S._1260 Po"lar Ave.• Arbutus 27. Md McCnrthy. RoLett Port~r-5 Irvin" Pl.. Pik""ville 8. Md. Miller. Lewia T.. 111-5804 S, .."ent lld.. liy ..tlsville. M,l. McClay. Harold Robin""n. Jr._Hollywood. Md Miller. Lewis T.• 111-1;804 Sargent lid.. Hy~tlsville. Md McCormick. Rober! A._4316 Cln"ett Rd.. Hy..t\>lville. Md McCulloh. nnh'h E.-1741 Abbott.,ton St.. lJ"ltimore 18. Md. Miol~n. Eugene Charl ...-213 Sh..elTer Ave.. W""tmin"ter, Mol Mcintyre. Hu"h F.• Jr._9 E. W..lnut St.. Merchnntville. N. J. Mitchel, Hugh P.-130 Winth .....p PI.. E"'l'lewoo,l. N. J. McLnu"hli". Raymond J._38 Rive,.,.id" Ave.. Morton. John Cha,.les-746 Summit Ave.. H.."er"town. M,l, Florham Park. N. J McQuay, Robert Nool-410 Ev""hnm Ave.• 1l"ltimore 12. M,l. Mowbray. C. Wray_I09 Talbot Ave.• Cambridge, Md. Moylan. Daniel W._401 Bretton PL. Baltimore 18. Md McWilliam•• LeRoy Donald-Colton'" Point. Md. Muhlenf~ld. Willinm 1".-906 WHlnut Ave.. 1l"ltimore 2~. Mol MnnninJ{. J"mes Dnvis-67a8 D",,"emer Ave.• n"ltimore22. Md. Mund. Allan W.-IOOo Leed" Ave.• llalLimore 29. Md. Mnrine.J"ck Lennon-Route 2. Federal.bur",Md. Murkey. LeRoy-300G Jl~verly Rd., Baltimore 14. Md. Mllrch. John Rnnkin-r.7 W""tmoreland St.. Westminster. Md. Mye•• Duane Edwln_2500 L.,.",burg Pike. Fnlls Church. Va. Marine. Jack Lennon-Box 312. Fe-1116 Walnut St .. Ch""tel'. P" . Pla.ket. ltichard L.-3S Pan"""t Blvd.. Rivenlide. N. J. Poblett3.John W""ley. Jr._Ced ..rh"",t, M,l. Compliments of 100 Per Cent t S S 0 Products Ebert's Ice Cream Phone 145 WESTMINSTER, MD. The "Good Professor" -ct a local hangout. Compliments of Compliments of Prosperity Cleaners "A Friend" Phone 688 Hersh Avenue. Westminster
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