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Dlnke. Neil Beldon-MiJi sc. Stewart.lown. PH. Cl""e. Ralph JOI!eph_22 W...t G<>orl"eSt .. W""irninster. Md. D100d.wor~h. Walter Alan-Chump. Md. Cock, Charles Monroe-28 N. Center St., Wo.,tmiT1Hter.Md. Bloomer. WjlliarnJohn-213E. Eu"eneAve .. Munh"lI. I'H. Cole. Jnrn ... ROl(h School. McDono..h. Md. !lrice, Donald Arthur Lloyd_206 Wimert Ave.. W... trnin.ter, Md. Coolahan. John C"rrol1_~28 Leeds Ave.. naltimore 27, Md. Brill, Michael Mayer-55Q4 W""ley Ave.. B"ltimore 7, Md. Crawford. Edward Grafton-aOO Windy Cate ltd .. Bro(h. Richa,,1 Samuel_12 SWlln St., A~erd""n. Md. Dawkins. AI]'''rt Thomp.on-533 S. Washington St., Butler. Robert William-li30 Pesrl St .. f'ceoled"k. M.I. En"ton, Md. Callender. Ste"hen Lloyd-130 f'tlmklin Ave., Pearl River. N. Y. DeCourcy, Richard James-(; Colonial Ter .. Broekton. M,,"". Carboy. Robert John-224Q Rhoda PI., Sootcb Plains. N. J. Deflinbau"h, Howard Davey_2709 Pelham Ave., Cllrri~k, Thorn... Edward-li217 Wilton Heit,lhUlAve.. 1J.. ltim(}re 13. Md. Baltimore 15, Md. o.n"is Stnnley Edwin-Route 1. Derlin. Md Chang, Kennetb Kong Sub------#29Sungbook Don",. Seoul. Korell Dewey. Willillm Don..ld-1201 S. Fore_t Dr., Arlin!!,!on 4, Va. Cha8@,Lawrence Shawn_9 McCarter Ave.. Fair. Hllven. N. J Dey. Willi"m Edw..rd. Jr.-213 West 27th St., Che,,,,ey, Robert Roy_Germant"wn. Md. llilitimore II. Md. Chrl"tian. Robert Stone-f'ront Sl .. Cr"""wick~. N. J Dod.on, Stewart Monroe--SO River Dench Dr., Ormonrl Beach. Fin. Dorweia. Stewart Ne1lVe----2S06nltuernwo<>d Ave., Raltimore 14. Md Wolf Motor Co., Inc. Authorized Ford Sales and Service 205 E. Main Street Phone 1344 Westminster. Md. The strain of dedicated public servlce=wntters' dining room. COInpliments of lSI W. MAJNST. WESTMINSTER, MD. Heagy's Barber Shop at 24W. Main St. TV SERVICE and w. A. SHRIVER Heagy's Sport Shop at 46 Pennsylvania Ave. WESTINGHOUSE Westminster, Md. Television & Appliances Phone 1374 Sales & Service Complete Line of Sporting Goods
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