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Sop/t(llllore Class Some \\7estern Maryland sage once said, "The since forgotten and studying resumed, the activi- first four years are the hardest." As freshmen we ties involved with the various dubs kept our found such wisdom hard to comprehend; for we social calendars satisfactorily full. thought that surely no year could be so bad as the first year. We do not find this theory so difficult As the year progressed, we began to function to believe now that we have reached the half-way more as a whole. Croup work appears to be the mark in college. By this time, we have been inevitable behavior pattern of the typical eopho- known to quote this Western Marylander, und to more class; perhaps it is the end result of every- openly admire his sagacity. one's need for confidence during the Dark Ages of the sophomore year. Misery does love com. Needless to say, we have not allowed the stress pany! and strain of studies to bar us From having many good times. There have been occasions when Through the gloom of the past, we now look studies might very wei! have been labeled "extra forward 1.0 a brand new year which holds innu- curricular activities". A look at the records merable interests and tasks for OUI" class. would, without a doubt, provide evidence that As with anything else, our sophomore year our class did not make much honorable academic takes on a rosier tint as it fades into the past. history during the weeks of sorority and fro- In fact, we anticipate the day in the future when ternity initiations. The impact of initiation long we can sa)" "Noll' when twas a sophomore.
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