Page 80 - YB1954
P. 80
Charlie Havens Bruce Ferguson Dick Harlow Head Coach Backfield Coach Advisory Coach FOOTBALL W.M.C.-14 DICKINSON-O on spectacular jumping catch ... "No neck" Rausch kicked extra points . . . Jack Duhl, Good Start!!! Charley Havens' gridders journeyed to Carlisle, Pa., famous for immor~al "Paws" Hunt, and Gene Hedgcock held Dickin- son line well in check Freshmen play promi- Jim Thorpe and his Carlisle Indians, and easily nent part in game Score not indication of defeated a weak Red Devil team ... Junie Bopst Terrors superiority. running and passing paced Terror attack ... Capt. Arnie Needleman scored both T.D.'s, one Bruce Rudisill GETTYSBURG-46 W.M.C.-7 Assistant Coach Wow! Fiasco! The wavy Terrors run into red I hot G-Burg team, given the treatment-Orange and Grey swift backs run like slippery eels; give II Field Captain Arnie Needleman II 78
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85