Page 65 - YB1954
P. 65
SOPHOMORE CLASS About mid-way between the last lingering mos- Then, he smiled more meaningfully: quito and spring thaws, one slightly tarnished "measuring worm" inched from behind a Greek "But, this is hardly pertinent to what we've Dictionary-and stared distractedly past his gained this year. Doors of clubrooms, newspaper bifocaled limit. offices, religious groups, Home Ec, labs, ROTC maneuvers, and musical organizations have He had dared-and discovered. That revela- opened-and challenged us to contribute with tion now squatted against the back of the yellow more than a passive attendance, Small fears pages, and quivered with a literary laugh as it concerning Western Maryland have vanished, once more caused an animal to stop-and think. and we're discussing constructively, with the Our battered, cylindrical friend looked again; freshmen, their problems (surprisingly identical "Soph 0 more-from the Greek, sophos, wise; to those we faced a year ago) _ We've begun to and moros, fool." dig toward individual, yet common, ideals con- Ah, great sounds the thud of the least worm, cerning the future, and are finding union therein, But, hark, and hold on! If convention allows, "Yes, if wisdom presupposes trials, slumps, the worm turns, and speaks: and replacing of a self-satisfied pride with one "Remember how I burrowed through the Fall which serves self and the other six-hundred and campus with the preconception that either repu- fifty selves-then, we dare to say-'Wise we tation or a one-term knowledge of the ropes have been.' would guide me through? Or, how I glibly ac- "Sophomores-wise fools=-Amen." cepted that bid-only to realize that this year it was I whose blushing frame was bent and And, a much more learned worm closed the smothered with paint-stirring paddles and dis- dictionary-to resume his work: Measuring, in carded feed sacks? a straight line, forward-with a laundry tag pinned to his post-marked body: "Assured- "F ool? If so, I suppose we've all been sopho- Class of '56_" mores. "
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