Page 63 - YB1954
P. 63
CLASS OF '55 LOST Prologue And we were right! For while some dropped This poem mayn't be the best ever written, out 'cause of troubles scholastic, But it's the most we can do at one lousy sittin. Many kids just gave up and went home where the food doesn't taste like polastic. Our rimes don't rime, and the meter only fits after a merciless pounding; in short and in Canto II fact this ode is pure doggerel. They say that no year is able to offer more And if you want someone to vouch for it, why, Than when you step from a frosh to being a Ensor'll, Margaret and Earl'll, not to mention soffermore. the surety that Old Man Baugher'l!. 50 if you like corn, But as sophs we still staggered, joined the frats and sororities Read orn. Flunked some tests here and there, made the Canto I rounds of wild pori ties. Three years ago, 1951, that is, if you're a non- With a gasp and a moan we realized that our subtractor, junior year would be even horrider, (September, 1951, if you prefer us to be a trifle So for mental relief we basked the summer away exactor) . at Ocean City, various jails, and Miami Beach, Well, anyway, back then, after the administration Florrider. had administrated us and the committees bad Canto III thoroughly committeed us, Our junior year The odds were about 500 to 1 that we'd ever get Was no soonyer here. through old WM and this fact extremely frustrated and giddied us. Than we proceeded to be bleeded with numerous So we stepped into the dining hall for refresh- tasks, such as writing term papers, and play- ment and a few minutes later exited horribly ing football, and putting on the Junior Follies, the Iunior-Senior finished; and sponsoring and May Day, and prom, and Homecoming, Thanks- After being mounds-of-joyed, soggy-carroted, giving, and Christmas, and Easter, and the lumpy-potatoed, and seaweed- like spinished. Junior Plays, and art expositions, and term, We kneio one and all that if the studies didn't and quizzes and lots and lots of exams, and fail us, finally in the Spring going on field trips to That dining hall crowd would deal up a bowlful study Botany. of malice. Oh, how could a year come out so rotteny?
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