Page 128 - YB1951
P. 128
HACHEL tlOLl\IES EBERT JAY H. EGCLY 1,2,3; Choir J, 2, 3: Glee (;fub 2; /}~I", ~erge"nl-u/.-ar"'s 2, chap!ain ,3. Spritcly maiden with a lihing voice . likes to sing, dabble in art, read French novels, and upholster sad ftlrnitllre . takes pride in home- "juy" ... WMC's own Mr. Television famous making and Bob ... svap operasf l ) . expres- Methodist Evangelist . inspires to be U. S. sive eyes and talkative hands .. hates fish . Ambassador to Spain ... spectacular combat cook "Queen of the Chesapeake" ... likes to rip off in . . Camma Bet secretary who can always "get it the WHlys for a weekend with Bob. wholesale" .. was once seen studying ... always adds a bit of hl1010r to any occasion. Future Beach Cum her of America. nOBERTP. EBEBT ROBERT I. FRASEB Bell! Bela tleta 4; C""'em Club !!ice-president 4;rijietefl",I,2;/"';russel,2; Alpha. Math major with a goodly Slim of achievements. Enters jefferson Met! School in Phila. next fall ... since mid-semester '50 has ucquired domestic over. lab assistant tones .. Vetville utopia complete widl pretty wife cumeru bug. eruhusiastio biology displaced son with business ... who mixes pleasure ... loves "th ut h0me cooking" . drives little red one of the Black and Whites WHlys like mad ... corps commander in ROTC. of the Ole South ... ping pong artists .. is not more accomplished lacrosse comes first in his world of sports . Gamma Bet. "Come on. Hachie." adverse 10 noisy escapades in Albert Norman. his intentions are always good. JOHN B. FRITZ CHAHLES I. ECKER tucrossc I; !"ter ../rulernily COlmdl jV ivotball. "Chuck" .. ex-swuhhie ... transferred from Mary- "Jack" . an army vet .. "loyal son of the South" land Unil'ersity at. end of Sophomore year in time ... married Mary Ellen the summer of '50. to break his leg for the Terror football squad ... cramps styles as a Freshman lab assistant .. can be found playing pinochle .. charter member "Where are magazines from the Black and White of day hop caffien club .. majors in physical edu- clubroom?" .. "Work, what's that?" .. plans cation and hiology ... plana to coach upon grudua- to attend University of Miami or New Zealand tion "enjoyed" folk dancing classes. GradllUle school. interest in Marine Biology. 124
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