Page 127 - YB1951
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ARTHUR N. DISNEY BEVERLY W. DUNNING, .IR. "Art" .. easy going day hop f.rom Baltimore ... "Bud" chemistry major ... math and econ winning smile . another one of Dr. Earp's soc 11111101 ••. working for Muster's Degree in bridge majors with a psycll minor .. always found in the . hohhie is procrastination chief chow hound grill between classes and during free periods ... at dinner table took a semester off working as plays dance music in spare time .. plans fur tile u chcnusr ussistam J» u fuundrycuntrollab ... future are indefinite pending word from Uncle interested in the field of metallurgy . ruther Sam's Army. quiet, but perhaps that's because he's always got u pipe In his moutb. ALAN LESLIE DODD BETTY ]\"ilLES DUVALL Varsity IJIl.,e/wl/; Cali/lila Belli Chi. sene/llr,.· "AI" .. Gamma Beta Chi Campus Beau 4; WSSF Brummel ... excellent at. Indoor "sports," ping pong included .. "Hail to the Hedskins" can first semester pructicc talk on any subject vivid personality and won- .. spends summers in derful companion .. ulliliuted with JI". Chamber ... "('m hungry" .. hurd- of Commerce of Silver Spring .. can drive home Sigmas . famous for her blindfolded ... always ready whh nn eucourugiug \Vhitfield term papers . constantly looking for a word und a friendly smile .. certain of success. speaker for IRC. product uf a southern r-.lary. landtobaecofarm. CLINTON RA Y DOW HACHEL ANNE EARLY ROTC OlJicers' Cillb 'i; lootball ""mage!; Alpha C,wlIIlIl1"ali. 4; ArgO/Wilts .1, 4; Clee CIIII! 3; 4. "Ray" . an export from Greenbrier Military Col- lege. ceou major. proud possessor of a '46 intellectual science prodigy. Chevy.. first string water boy for the varsity teaching . just a "transfer, footballers . February graduate planning Mary's Junior College pre- the army via an ROTC commission runs in three speeds: friend; always willing to help. active and stop! . "But there's more ... flcet.footedpart.icipantinlnterfratsports ... blushes on request. "Don't wake me for hreakfust." "Eimonii-geh·hum'l1111." 123
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