Page 9 - YB1950
P. 9
CROWDED WITH ACTIVITY A S the [urn of the century finds us as Sen iors ready to go out into the world on our OWI1, we look back and see what a bus)' )'1:'111"1950 has been for us. There have been the: usual time-honored tradilions. but this year the te1l1po or lire has been faster. It. was rhis year th,,! we had the new grille, and the infirmary was buill. \Vc have made mall)' friends, both among the students and alllong rhe faculty. we saw each other at chapel, at the concerts and plays in Alumni Hall, in classes, in the grille and in the rcc rOOIlL at [he dances, and in the clubrooms watching our talented television (cams win. In the spring, following a custom set by earlier classes, we wandered to the brow of the Hill Here, in the warm sunshine, we relaxed or studied or watched the ROTC drills. And, as our mothers and fathers had clone. we cheered our (Cams 10 victory. TIIC exciling' gamcs aroused our cnllHlsiasl11 and school spirit. There are so 1111//1)' things that have made Ibis year exciting. Here is a record of thc places, friends and aClivilics that have made 1%0 memorable.
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