Page 26 - YB1950
P. 26
PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION SI:llled: Miss J. BCIIII(:p". Mis~ H Brainard. ~li" I In n.: Dr. R_ Holthaus. I'mf. C. Crain. M. Gesner. /IIi,;, G_ ,\[11'.,."). MISS F. Doria. SlIllId ilig: ;\1,ยท. O. Spallgler, t'rof'. A. etc Long, Prof. I'. RO)'tor. blinding clouds of dates and names, but the ill orbits of (inc tracery through the cosmos. moon Holthaus sails along in philosophic Shedding graduated light upon the physics calm. lab is Peck, while the Big Dipper, Schofield, Meteor Parker explodes with cosmic pep patiently scoops up masses of details. in the pliys. ed. solar system. From Todd There's constellauon Disbrow throwing a come fiddle notes and the sound of clapping globe covered with question marks. The J ug- hands. Brimer puts her moons through astral gler Ahrnsbrak balances columns of silver. calisthenics. Above the football field shines There's planet Townsend wending an uncon- the golden glow of Havens, while fiery Fergu- ventional orbit. And say now, isn't: that the son Hashes within the constellation basket- "grer" planet Hurt punning over there? That baflus. In summertime, observe the radiance Car-on' booming is the sun Whitfield declaring of Boyer reflected from a diamond. Vcrxaulc the sky is gray, not blue. Beaming reflectively Summers is a star in any siurauou. Straughn over the children's constellation is (ames, is the sial' of rickct-scllers. Behind a Milky while the meteor Hill flashes back and forth 'Vay of test tubes. planet Eldcrdice can almost from his master's studies. There's another be seen. Poised Marshall leads her satellites bursting SIal', Russell, discharg'ing cornprchen.
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