Page 25 - YB1950
P. 25
HOME ECONOtvIICS LANGUAGES L 10 n.. ~riss H, C,ay, Mis;; D, Smhh, ,\rr.~. C. S~'lIed: Mrs. M, A. S,lIl1111erS, 1),. K. Hildebran. Srhoflcld Miss ,\1. Snader. SI"m/ill/!.: Dr. IV. RidillAIOII, Dr, W. ,\I;I('Do""ld, l'!'Of . .I. Willell horizon, but from the unknown breaks u-ack- .~ible" problem. The smiling gardener Spicer star Karl. Simkins reigns unrivaled in her stands aloft, hand upon a hoe, And see there solar system. the mighty hunter Free. Over Yingling gym To the north, Lady Smith beams down on we find the Martian stars, drilling R.O:r.c. Nova Scotia. There's constellation Gray, a lady sewing, and nearby, star Schofield The constellation lady pouring tell is Ges- indulges in celestial cookery. Not Saturn with ner. And see Brainard, a blazing comet over rings, but Snader and the French Circle whirl Europe! Murray's spheres hum the glory of by. Brilliant Hildebran brightens the sky wuh Bach. From Benucyan come notes 01' Haydn. a Spanish glow. Willen sparkles above rhe That syncopating- star with jazz variations is farm land, and the Swiss star Summers twin- Spangler. There's it huge choir-like constclln- kles brightly, There's the constellanon Rid- lion with's light transcending all. iugton, holding a book of Greek. \Vhile the spheres of Royer emote now sym- Observe rbesc constellations. Upon a spa- phonies, now college songs, bright Doria war- tial blackboard ljobhiu conquers an "impos- bles to the universe. SIal' Crain explodes in MATHEi\'IATICS, ASTRONOMY IvIILlTAR\' SCIENCE Dr. C. Spicer, Mi~, 1'. uobutu. Dean F.
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