Page 36 - YB1948_Classical
P. 36
1947 found us ready to face the chal- we went to !Jep rallies and formal dances. lenge of being the leaders. It was a year We worked seriously, realizing we must ~f many "firsts." We welcomed a new leave the security of college life to face president, we groaned and sweated through the realities of a confused world. Senti- our first exams, we tried our hand at the mentality will 1I0t blind us to our discour- teaching profession, we sang carols through aged moments, our disillusioned days. But a dark, cold morning. 1t was H year of ac- we are proud of our records, proud of our tivity. \Ve cheered our teams, from our achievements, proud to claim Western first football game with Harvard to our new Mary land as our Alma Maler. \Ve leave spring sport, lacrosse. We worked together with the hope that our SUCCessors will keep on plays, we applauded our music students, alive the spirit of the class of 1948. 33
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