Page 35 - YB1948_Classical
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we soon became oriented to our new lire, passed good-humoredly through the humili- ties of "rat week," and accepted gratefully the good advice or the upper classmen. Caught in the whirl of fast-moving days we worked and played with equal vigor. We won the championship in girls' basketball, sponsored a successful Valentine dance, went to sorority rush parties and teas, and with much joy heralded VE day. And then the year ended, and we went away, leaving behind our lipstick marks in Albert Nor- man Ward. 1945 found our class depleted in number but still strong in ambition and zeal. Some of OUI' sophomore pride was pricked by the trials of sorority "ratting" and "hell night." We saw our life ebb slowly back to normal with the return of many veterans. We supported spiritedly our new basketball team and cheered them on proudly to sec- D. Hrohawn, C. (Irtenvi, C. Hoyer, D. SC()II, S. Sleelma<). ond place in the Mason-Dixon Conference. \Ve saw fraternity rooms re-open, we wel- SENIOR CLASS comed appreciatively the new rec room, and we brought life to it spring weekend with our gala Sophomore Follies. President Carlo (Irtenz i 1946 found us on the verge of resuming Vice-President Don Brohawn a normal ratio between the male and female Secretary Susan Steelman population. It was our "back to normal" Treasurer Dorothy SCOLL year, and with grear excitement we wit- Historian Christine Royer nessed our first Tenor football game. A precedent was broken when, for the first We, the class of 1948, look back without time in the history of Western Maryland regret upon four happy, eventful years at College, girls took over the job of leading Western Maryland. We began those Four the cheers before an enthusiastic crowd of years by breaking a record; ours was the rooters. Vetville became a new addition distinction of being the largest freshman to the college campus. The social calendar class to enroll on the Hill. In spite of the expanded its margins, and with the Junior- abnormal situation which still prevailed be. Senior Prom and the rose-cup ceremony, cause of the Win, we entered with zest and we bade farewell to our friends, the sen- enthusiasm into all aspects of our long. iors, and looked hopefully toward our last anticipated college days. Without difficulty year. 32
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