Page 49 - YB1947
P. 49
FONDA MAY BOYER-Conscientious music mojor . adores Bach and Mozort. . loved practice teaching .. calm, cool ond collected.. brown eyes ... infectious giggle ... never-tctllnq smile ond spon- taneous warmth ... ever foithfulto McDaniel ond her roommate, Jo . devilish under her calm exterior. CHARLES G. BROOKS-"Yoices" in the Gold Bug proclaim his well-developed critical insight. rollicking wit and a pungent satirist ... found North Carolino sojourn in mid-winter delightful . planned to move his room to the grille for convenience ... charter member of Westminster Light Society. FRED BROWN-Took lots of poll-sci. courses in preparation for low school ... English major, French minor. . seen in most French Club productions .. likes variety of neckties and sport jackets, golf, travelling, and Sundays in McDaniel Lounge . haunts library and Blanche Ward Lounge. LOUISE G. BROWN-A brunette with big brown eyes. day hop ... history meier . headaches from recreational leodership . accelerated ... likes extra-curricular activities. . rumors have it that she has chronic heart trouble runs a "can't be beat" to xi service for her friends teacher-to-be. KEN BURDETTE-liKen" old friends will remember his blue and red Crosley auto in pre-war days ... always pleasant and always smiling ... former infantry lieutenant who was wounded in ETO .. math majar. . February graduate now following 0 career in the insurance and real estate business. BETTY ANN BURGEE-A conscientious and capable worker ... has 0 cute laugh, brown eyes and dark, naturally curly hoir .. likes a variety of pet animals . goad French student ... history major ... has a room that would rival the best for cleverness ... likes dancing, 011 kinds of records, and food. 45
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