Page 46 - YB1947
P. 46
LEE BEGLlN-Like her brother Bob, "lillie but mighty" ... proud of the Po. hills. home ec. major .. likes golf, clothes, dancing, ond good food ... is always well "Chi ad" ... gab sessions. . "can't stand fish" dry, witty remarks "Let's get out of this fire-h-op before it burns down." DAVID C. BENNIGH OF-Intensely interested in biology . ploys clarinet expertly. . faithful club member. . hidden sense of humor. sincere followed pre-med. course at W.M.C., and will attend Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1947. may proctice in Maryland or become offiliated with a hospital. EVELYN N. BENSON-"Evie" sociology major and psychology minor ... excellent dancer and a lovely voice . adores chocolate. proud of thot diamond she got for Christmas (prouder still of that man!) June 21 is the day plans everything and dreams of modern furniture. "Sheeley, guess what?" BETTY BLADES-Contagious giggle ... friend to all who frequent Blanche Ward office takes a lot of teasing about her round face .. loves to sing while she works interested in dramotics . burns the midnight oil studying chemistry and physics because her greatest ambition is to be a doctor. NANCY BOWERS-"Nan" ... sweet and capable . Latin major who really knows her languages ... likes the things most coeds do, especially vanilla milkshakes. . her pet peeve is Spanish omelette ala WMC ... will receive B.A. one weekend and MRS. the next. will do most anything for you, Hugh! WILLlAM BOWMAN-Toll, blond, and quiet. . day student ... earned his diploma in February. attended Swarthmore and Harvard while in the Navy. . decided fondness for photography .. majored in economics and minored in math .. plans to specialize in law. University of Maryland is his choice. 42
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