Page 21 - YB1946
P. 21
Mary Louise Shipley, A.B. William Allan Macdonald. A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Paul Harris, B.S., A.M. That there is beauty and feeling in color and form, and delight in capturing that beauty on canvas or in clay-such are the revelations which art discloses to man. Art enriches in several ways one's store of worthwhile appreciations. The great artists of the ages have incorporated in their works impressions which one recognizes as reflections of his own emotions; they have recorded glimpses of their world through which he may interpret his. One's most vivid enjoyment of art, however, posĀ· sibly occurs as he begins to see the won- der of color and design in all his surround. ings, or feels the power of the beauty in his Hnqer-tips as well as in his mind. Shipley-with young sculptress 17
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