Page 17 - YB1946
P. 17
Fred Garrigus Holloway AB., B.D., D.D., LL.D. Probably no college generation has lived in so significant a period of history as the class of 1946. You entered Western Maryland College just a few months after the United States entered the Second World War. You have been on College Hill during the years which witnessed a rapidly dwindling male student population, the presence of a unit of the Army Specialized Train- ing Program, and a military victory on both the European and Pacific fronts. Just as you conclude your Senior Year, the men of the armed services are returning to the campus and we are once more on the verge of resuming our normal ratio of women and men students. Most significant is the fact that you step out into a world that has changed more in the past four years than in any comparable period of history. It presents its problems and its conflicts in sharper focus than ever before. There is a clear picture of the tragedy of civilization, of a broken world thai needs mending. Youths like reality. They would rather try to solve than avoid the issues of contemporary life. I am confident that the class of 1946 holds this attitude You will take the world as it is, no make-believe affair, and rebuild it. It will take courage, character, faith, and intellect. These are possessions worth the coveting. Nothing would reward your Alma Mater so much as to see you doing your part, using such tools as these, in building the new world. We shall miss you greatly on the Hill and look forward to news of your success, whatever profession you follow. Your Alma Mater eagerly awaits your frequent return to the campus. FRED G. HOLLOWAY, President 13
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