Page 76 - YB1945_Classical
P. 76
[LASS DFFHEBS Janel Lee Baugher, Histos inn; Gale Lodge, Treasurer; Peg Thompson, Vice President.; Hobert Harrison, Presidens; Charlotte \Vilkins,Sccrelrlry. SENIOR [LASS HISTORY We're the class of changes, the class of The fall of '4-3 found the Army sharing goodbyee, the class of memories. When the !-IiI! with us. Everywhere we were re- we came to the Hill in the Iall of '41, we minded thal we were a college (\1 war- came La the same campus thai freshmen the cadets, the increasing roll of honor, had been coming to for years. We were bandage rolling, war bond drives, V-mail, hazed, oriented, dated-and II'e soon found and furloughs. But we still kept up trndl ourselves caught under the spell of college Lions. We taught the cadets and the fresh- life. men to kick the post, we went to Earl's Then carne December 7Lh-Wnr. We between nine and len, and we had formal were shocked, afraid, and puzzled, for we dances in Gil! Gym. In the spring we again didn't understand. BuL here on campus we said our good-byes, this time to our were so removed, so lost in a world of cur adopted boys ill khaki, and they Loa were own, that we only vaguely realized what sad at leaving their "alma mater." this war would mean. We continued to Now our senior year has past, and we laugh, dunce, and picnic, and our college are again saying farewell. We've done our life was JUSLwhat we had dreamed. best to keep the I-lill the same, and not La When we came back in the fall of '42. lose a single tradition. We've kept our we were beginning 10 understand. The memories Iee-e-initiations, dances, dub joy of joining sororities was coupled with meetings, plays, picnics, caroling, teaching, graclwltion. sadness when we saw boys from our investiture, as we go to press we go knowing And brother fraternities and our class leaving to that V-E day has arrived. We've promised join the service. And as they said good- the- freshmen that they will knoll' the bye, they made us promise to keep up the W.M.e. LlwL we once knell', and we see our college traditions so the Hill would never promise coming true. Our school and OUI change. Those of us who remained tried world are still changing, but we know now \wrf\ not La disappoint them. Llwt we have not hoped and prnyed in vain. 73
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