Page 74 - YB1945_Classical
P. 74
mnuf ry begins 10 "Jear-n the rOI.cS." SOI.holllorc yeur includes initiution daya, and other- signs of u gradually increasing participation in the campllS life, A deeper sense of loyalty und love fOl' the college is Ihe basic characteristic of members of the Junior class, This ever-increasing loyally towar-d the Hill reaches its cnlminution in the Senior ycnr-, the year' of investfrure and the long-anticipated activities of Commencement Week, Yet, for some of liS, it is not as simple as this; the exigcncies of war IHI\'C caused some of LIS to 1.8I,ticipate in the accelerated cour-se, shor,telling our collegc life three years, Many othel's of us have luul OUI" collcge lifc Indefinitely postponed by the call of 11 "lit ion at W8I', With a growing recognition of the need fOI" en. lightened, responsible leadership in the wor-ld, we acknowledge Our deht to OUI' college for intellectual stimulation nnrl the formation of'ing fr-iend- ships, 'Vhenever it may close for us, life 011 the Hill has been urich aud eufoegenahle chapter ill OUI" lives. 71
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