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ROBERT HENHY ADAMS, JR. 614, B~;N[)EltME.I·\I:; AVENUE INTERLAKEN, N. J. This tall dark-complexioned Icrseyite, famed for his inimitable "Wreck of the Old '97;" has made himself a leader in the S.C.A., the Wesleyans, I.R.C., and Oil the Cold Bug. College has meant convictions and varied intellectual interests. After a summer of working for the Friends' Service Committee, Bob plans to enler Garrett Seminary at Northwestern University. JEAN ELLEN ANDREWS HURI.OCK, MD. This congenial and intelligent Argonaut president is also ~ member of lola Gamma Chi, LR.C, B.B.B., Who's Who, and the College Players. Jean is a chem. major who plans to do graduate work ill that field at Columbia next year. Always starts a joke lind forgets the ending. Chief loves are sleeping and cutting classes. ANNA MARIE AVERS 123 GHAND I\ VENUE CUl\'IBERLAND, Mo. Cheerful disposition and lively laugh-member of loLa Gamma Chi and I.R.C.-good committee worker-always willing La help others. Plans to teach history and math ill the fall. Likes to knit and pull pUllS. AILEEN LA RAY BAm WIMERT AVENUE WESTMINSTER, MD. Petite likeable clay-hop with a keen sense of humor and a laugh all her own. Member of the "Future Teachers of America," planning to teach English and French. Secre. tary of the French Club-likeable, optimistic disposition-chief ~nterest in the navy. 12
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