Page 16 - YB1945_Classical
P. 16
* * '* !)n memor'J 0/.... * * * * * * .... those 'men oj Western College 1.V/W have given * their lives on the field oj battle .... * It is difficult indeed to pay a just tribute to those gallant * * Inen lvhose supreme sacrifice has been their DIvn eloquent * But: feeble memorial. though our 'Words may be, we mnst yet * offer them-words of honor lor the dead, words oj symfmlhy * * jor the bereaved. Within our hearts, however, is a feeling * o] irreeon- into 1Vord.~--a feeling lvltich cannot be translated * cilable regret and protest over the loss of youthful lives so * * the only fitting tribute: We pray that out of this feeling lvili grow * bright with promise. unceasing a vigorous, to build effort * a world in which such coslly sacrifices are no longer demanded. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ II
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