Page 23 - YB1944
P. 23
The Aides de Camp THE REGISTRAR ~ Friendly, attractive, and capable are three adjectives which thoroughly de- scribe our registrar, Miss Martha Mana- han. From the very beginning, when the freshman receives the typewritten let- ter from her, concerning room registra- tion, Miss Manahan is his friend. Always able to help the bewildered student and to help him willingly, she is one of West- ern Maryland's "aides de camp" whom we shall never forget. Miss Martha Manahan and assistant Miss Cora Virginia Perry THE TREASURER So many times we are apt to neglect those people who are really quite im- portant mainstays of our college lives. Not quite so prominent in the public eye, but nevertheless an indispensable mem- ber of the college administration, Mr. Carl Schaeffer is the "power behind the greenbacks." Mr. Schaeffer's interest in young people and his spirit of cooperation has been decidedly evident during his years of service at Western Maryland. Mr. C. L. Schaeffer, Treasurer 17
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