Page 22 - YB1944
P. 22
PRESIDENT FRED GARRIGUS HOLLOWAY, A.B., B.D., D.O. LL.D. TO THE CLASS OF 1944: One of the most difficult things to do is to say good-bye in such a "way as to imply that one is glad you have been, sorry that you are leaving and anxious for you to return as often as possible. That is the kind of aloha that I should like to write for this yearbook. And what is your aloha? Well, very much the same, for as you leave your Alma Mater you doubtless feel that you are part of her and she is part of you. She feels that she possesses you and will follow you wherever you go, eager for your success, proud of your achievements. You feel that you possess her, that her campus, her buildings, her influence, her fellowship are yours always. It is this mutuality of attitude that typifies the spirit of Western Maryland College. You have made a deep and lasting impression on this institution. We shall miss you on this Hill in a way that you can scarcely comprehend. There has been real happiness in your being here; there is a real sorrow that you are leaving; th~r&._is the sincere hope that your return will be frequent. My special greetings go out to those members of your class who have postponed the completion of their education in order to serve their country. May the days until their return be few! Fred G. Holloway President 16
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