Page 52 - YB1942
P. 52
WE arc one step higber-c-Sophomores, we settled down to studies and to fun with looking to the future with hopes, looking the full realization of the responsibilities back on the past with sighs. Perhaps the before us. Beca lise in. war has thrown on our bright hopes an un- December, 194[ wished-for shadow, but it is hardly notice- able as we take an inventory of ourselves .. the Pacific boiled over and our coun- as we have been during our sophomore year try was, with numbing suddenness, at war. on College Hill. Looking backward now on "Air raid!" came to have a deeper meaning dun that which the freshman initiates learned when the members of our class con- October, [941 ducted the rites of initiation. But war was shelved, perhaps with wishful thinking, as No longer Freshmen! \'(1hac a thrill that thought gave LIS. For the first time in what far back in our minds as we hoped it was and we made prepa- far from our campus; seemed like ages we could look down instead rations for our second Christmas holiday. of continually up at all our fellow-students. Even the fact that our classmates were pre- The feeling of being an integral part of ferring freshman dates didn't lessen our \'V'.M.C. which had touched liS last year W:lS firmly rooted within us now. \'(1e began a gayety. new year determined to show upper-class- Then came men we were worthy of the new place we January, February, March, 1942 occupied. And we did, for in ... in such quick succession that before we knew it we were asking, "Is the Military November, 1941 Ball over already? Are there only six more football season was it' full stride; our weeks of school left? Can it be possible that boys took their places on the gridiron as in (hose 'grand old seniors' are now wearing all other fields. By now we were members the traditional caps and gowns that seemed of sororities as well as of frarernicics, and so far away to them?" Those "grand old with the election of our first class officers seniors" seemed suddenly much closer to us. The race of days was almost breath-taking, 1944 Officers: Thoma. Terre
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