Page 48 - YB1942
P. 48
Because. • • . . . we have spent four years at Western Maryland College drawing within ourselves something of its richness, and have given our time, effort, and money coward the creation of this ALOHA, into which we have tried to put everything of \'{Iestern Maryland that we shall never forget . . and because we wish to focus our thoughts on a man and a woman who, in their long association with the college, have con- tributed so generously to the beauty and stability that we have tried to record on these p~lgCS as indelibly as they are recorded in our memories . . and because we have found in that man, not only knowledge, but also that which young people always seek: sincerity, sympathy, loyalty and trust; and we have found, in his wife, a gentle friend, interested for years in both the college and its students. because we shall always remember them, and want them to remember LIS; we want co put within their easy reach our names, our faces, our ALOHA .. . . . because of all these things.
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