Page 52 - YB1941
P. 52
BICTTY ELAINE Pooar-c-Hepreseutative Iron. Ohio .. even-tempered and easy going, she will do an ythiug for anyone, especially a friend .. neat, thorough and fastidious, hers should be a successful career in Home Economics generally quiet und unobtrusive. eLEANOR PRESCOTT-Recognized bv her laugh ... "Scotty" has a SUIlIl)' disposition, even at the earliest hours. known for her "pie" beds, her sense of the ridiculous, her tennis ability, her habit of eating raw carrots ill the movies ... also active ill sports. INA MAE RAKEs-Pretty brunette from New WindsO! .. keen sense of humor and sportsmanship ... sophistication topped with a. remarkable personality ... active in athletics, especially softball . can) be hurried, but is always on time lVh:RLE CHAHU,:S REBĀ£!lT-Amateur poct. . lover of music; in fact, a walking [look of Musical Kllowiedge ... balances his musk-ul interest with u love of the drama ... prospective teacher of music or church organist . his hobby is his clothes shows all Esqu,irc trend. POORE PH ESCOTT RAKES REBERT
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