Page 49 - YB1941
P. 49
LEIDY LEWIS LOGAN LUBKING EDITH LEIDy-Pretty petite brunette dainty and fastidious . Home Economics major · . gets in messes and laughs her way out of them . eyes that dance with either pleasure or detennination : . Horne Economics club . personification of neatness in her dress. THOMAS f'RANKI.[N LEWIS--"Tim" ... handsome blond athlete from the wilds of frostburg · . diplomatic and tactful ... ambitious, intelligent ... president of his class and his fraternity outstanding soccer and basketball IlHIII .. inveterate wisecracker and punster. ELLEN" ROBERTA LOGAN-"Luck}'" ... active in all girls' athletics, particularly basketball · . demure lind attractive ... interested in all phases of Home Economics-plans to teach that subject. a consistent dean'sHster. . membcr of Sigma Sigma Tau and \Y. A. A. DORIS LOUISE LUBKING·-Pet hobby is collecting "swing" records ... a sartorial model . ex-president of Delta Sigma Kappa ... a great fun lover and always ready for a laugh has a truly winning personality, but her blithe exterior conceals rC1l1 gray matter.
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