Page 12 - YB1940
P. 12
PRESENTA~ION The "I"ss of 1940 presents edition of the ALOIIA as " record of the events lV'lic'. ',ave occurred dur'iu9 t'.e past yen'r. It is the record of « COtJllJlUJlity lehie'" isolated fran, the cares "lid 'uu·d- sllips of the outside Ivorld, is sufficient unto itself. Stored Ivitltin tllis book flrc tnetJlories_ JJlcJHories of life's ',applest days, tnelJlories of achieveJl.cnts, Jne"lories of defeats, of Ivork, tJle,nories of ,JIffY, Ulld JllcJllories of friends. nut .ne'Jlories fade 1vitla the p(fssing years and as you go fort', to aSSlnne t'lc respoJls,tbUity 1vllie'.. is your birt'lrig'l,t "1I'lI you turn to tllis book "lid if only for " brief tvl.Ue relive t'.e ',appy events reco."ded here "nd be ..ciresI. cd.
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